Flor de Arte / Collaboration with COANIL
Interior design company prepares a new line of products that will benefit the children of COANIL.
Betting on innovative design in decomural paper and fabrics is the premise of VM Print, a company supported by Incubatec UFRO and specialized in interior design, which will develop, together with the Corporation for the Help of Disabled Children, COANIL, an interesting initiative in which The artistic creations of minors will be reflected in original decorative proposals. According to its executive director, Francisca Holzapfel, she is totally enthusiastic about this initiative since it benefits the children of COANIL, since a percentage of the proceeds will go to the foundation.
"We started a project with COANIL, with its Flor de Arte branch where we will use all the children's paintings in our designs and 20% of the sales will go directly to them, which has me very motivated, where we hope to distribute the catalogs in large retail stores. The line will be divided into products such as wall papers, fabrics, stickers and cushions"
In addition, Francisca comments that this initiative would not have materialized, without the prestige and consolidation that they have achieved in the field of interior design, in which VM Print has been characterized by providing a vanguard service, in which the client has the option of "designing tailor-made" your decorative project and transform it into fabrics, wallstickers, shower curtains, cushions, tablecloths and bags, among other products. This differentiation has made it possible to expand the client portfolio, even accessing the international market.
"Regarding design, there is nothing more comforting for a designer or artist to be able to see their works or project live, materialized in fabrics or decomurals that finally give life to an interior space. On the other hand, the success of the brand and the international interest that our company has aroused has been unexpected, since, for example, some Spanish clients mentioned to me that this type of service does not exist in any other country, and that fills you with pride. "
Meanwhile, the executive director of VM Print, mentions the business incubator of the Universidad de La Frontera "as a great ally" with which she was able to cement her business idea, through technical and management advice, which she provided at the search for sources of financing. "Through Incubatec UFRO I applied to CORFO's InnovaChile Seed Capital, which helped me to consolidate my business idea in the market and not only that, the incubator advised me on how I should manage my projects, on issues of cost, production and efficiency. They are my stick, my support because I know that behind my company they are supporting me," he said. It is worth mentioning that Incubatec UFRO advises and guides entrepreneurs and companies in incubation processes, search for financing, innovation management, formulation and development of projects with high growth potential. It has more than 11 years of experience contributing to the strengthening of the entrepreneurial ecosystem of La Araucanía, empowering more than 3 thousand entrepreneurs.
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